The following is documentation of the Stockholders Meeting that would have normally occurred in December 2021. Delays due to Covid-19 concerns & public, in-person meetings pushed it to 4/24/22.

In Attendance:
Ron A., Patricia A., Maureen B., Bill B., Bill S., Steve W., Linda H., Kevin E., Kathy E., George S., Stephanie V., Sandra C., David W.

2019 Stockholders’ Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved. (Meeting held on Feb. 9, 2020).

Old Business:

RVIA President, Kevin Eisemann, discussed the difficulties caused by Covid-19 in terms of in-person meetings, events, etc. Reflected on his presidency, and how he enjoyed his multiple terms leading RVIA. He was ready to “pass the torch” on to someone else. One of Kevin’s favorite events is the Annual Christmas Lights Decorating Contest.

Treasurer’s Report:

Investments have had ups & downs. RVIA continues to do well with the investments made years ago and will be solvent for years to come. Expenses of Landscaping and donations were discussed. It’s time to collect dues, and the idea of “amnesty” for those behind on dues during Covid is being considered. Thoughts on raising the annual dues to $20 or $25 (or more) would help bring in additional revenue to RVIA in the future.

Election of Officers (for the Term of *May 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023)
Newly elected Officers and Board of Directors voted into service on *4/24/22 are as follows:

President: David Woisard
Vice-President: Sandra Corrente
Treasurer: Patricia Amirault
Recording Secretary: Erin Cabral
Corresponding Secretary/Communications/Website: David Woisard will continue this using new “integrated tools” including Facebook, Instagram and Constant Contact (for E-Newsletters).

Board of Directors:

Linda Hagstrom
Bill Sears
Stephanie Van Patten

Nominations for New Stockholders: None
RVIA needs to seek out & encourage more members that show vested interests in the Assoc..

New Business:

David Woisard, newly elected President, will re-group RVIA after the Covid-19 lapse. A focus on Membership, Stockholders, and getting people current with dues is on his list. David wants to determine the best day of the week to hold Neighborhood Meetings to maximize attendance. Holding Neighborhood Meetings every other month seems better than the long time between quarterly meetings.

Questions that came up during this Stockholder Meeting (some answered / others to be investigated):

a. What happens to RVIA’s Investments should the Assoc. ever dissolve? The Bylaws state that a charity(s) will be selected and voted on by the Stockholders, and money distributed to these selections.

b. Fundraising ideas needed. Having auctions using member provided items doesn’t make sense. Direct contributions would raise more money or seek out outside donations of “items or services”..

c. Local charities to be better identified. RVIA to meet its annual giving requirements as a Non-Profit.

d. Reinstatement of a Welcoming Committee & Welcome Basket if we can get interest going again.

e. Plan a Block Party with some excitement to attract new people and get the veteran members interested again. Suggestion: Pizza Truck or Pig Roast/BBQ.

f. Ideas of having speaker(s) about RVIA History, Native American presence here, and info on the early “Working Bay” / Oystering before the Great Hurricane of 1938, and others.

A Board of Directors Meeting will be held as soon as possible in, May 2022, to discuss and approve proposals for the remainder of the 2022 Calendar of Events, Meetings & Activities.

Meeting Adjourned: Outgoing President Kevin Eisemann was thanked for his service to the community, along with Kathy Eisemann’s work as Recording Secretary (also retiring).

Minutes compiled by David Woisard, President
(A Recording Secretary was not available during the meeting)

Note: These Minutes were reviewed & approved by vote at the February 21, 2023, Stockholders Meeting held at Iggy’s Boardwalk. Some spelling mistakes that were pointed out have been corrected.