A handwritten card attached to this Warwick Beacon clipping (pub. Jan 14, 1982) lists the following names of people in the above photo: Ben Jallett, Morris Deering, Norman Deering, Henry Deering, Sheldon Davis, Carl Kettelty, Roy Rooks, Jack Laud, Ben Deering, Russel Spink(?). Please direct any corrections or additions to website-admin@myrvia.org.

Elizabeth Alfonso provided RVIA with the following about the above photo:

“In the back row, standing, 2nd from left is Gertrude Barrett, my mother. A few years after the photo was taken, she married my father, Sheldon Davis, who is sitting second from right in front row. Standing in front of the women, the first young blonde boy to the left is Peter Barrett, my uncle.

In the front row, fifth girl from the right is Teresa (Terry) Barrett, my aunt.

The lawn of the house where the photo was taken was on the Lippitt Avenue waterfront. I do not recall who lived there. The house pictured next door to the right (with the cupola) was the home of Eva Butman.”

Comment: Thank you Elizabeth. I’m not sure where the other source of the names came from, and I greatly appreciate your additional input. (by website-admin).