Come join us in playing some fun games in our backyard on a Friday night.

Games like Bocce, Cornhole Toss, Badminton, Ladder Golf, Croquet, Giant Jenga and any other “safe” games you can bring along. (Maybe skip the old-fashioned steel Lawn Jarts! and BB Guns with Spinning Targets!). We have a pretty big yard, so there should be room to handle a variety of fun competitions.

We’re thinking of serving some local RI Craft Beers & Seltzers (like Whalers “Drift”), and wine (or wine spritzers). Plain & flavored seltzers and soft drinks too!

Please bring along some of your favorites to share.
Apps and dessert items would be quite fine and encouraged.

Maybe bring a beach chair with you too!

Do you have any games you could bring?
Those are ideas above, and we only have a few of those. If you have a set or two let us know.
Cornhole Toss would be great if you’ve got a setup! The more the merrier!

Let us know if you can come on Friday, August 5th.
Thanks, David & Linda