RVIA Neighborhood Meeting / Open to all Riverview Residents

CANCELLED for Now! Postponed! New date TBD.

This June 13 meeting has been postponed. A new meeting date will be announced in the near future once determined what works for a majority of neighbors.

This was to be a general RVIA Neighborhood Meeting open to all residents of Riverview, Warwick, RI.

We need some extra time to ramp up the interest in RVIA. Thank you to those who have joined the Social & Landscape Committees. You will be meeting in the near future. More residents are needed to sustain & carry RVIA into the future.

News: David Woisard has decided to stepdown as RVIA President. He will stay very active with RVIA but no longer wants to be in a leadership position.

Quote: “I want to return to being an active participant only. I will support a new “team” and continue to post & communicate RVIA related announcements. If someone else would like to give this a try, I can make others “USERS” of our web tools & Social Media and remain a contributor & continue as Administrator. I enjoy web and graphics work (though I am not a professional) and intend to continue to do this as I’ve done since 2009.

Thank you all! Truly think about where RVIA is headed and find time in your active schedules to participate when you can.

Best regards and enjoy the approaching summer months!”

David Woisard
Outgoing President

Primary Topic: It’s June and Summer’s almost officially here!
Other: What are your ideas for future RVIA activities and charities?

Summer Solstice sunshine